eldixmgr - Utility for handling program packages of ELDICO and marXperts marmgr - Utility for handling program packages of ELDICO and marXperts


eldixmgr | marmgr [ -a|--available ] [ -i|--install ] [ -f|--file NAME ] [ -g|--gui ] [ -l|--local ] [ -n|--dry-run ] [ -o|--out NAME ] [ -p|--prg PRGNAME ] [ -P|--pw PASSWORD ] [ -r|--run NAME ] [ -u|--url URL ] [ -U|--user USER ] [ -v|--verbose ] [ -V|--VERSION ] [ PRGNAME ]


eldixmgr (marmgr) is a Python / Tk based graphical user interface and command line program for verifying and updating Python based program packages for ELDICO and marXperts software. For updating programs from an update site, the program requires access to the internet. The program compares files MD5SUMS from remote distribution directories and transfers data files to a temporary local directory. By default, the command line interface programs only prints installed program versions and available or latest remote versions. When installing programs, the program the program may request system privileges if the local software distribution does not belong to the user that runs the version. The program will try to open a configuration file that carries information about the local installation directory and the remote URL from where to download. For more details, see section CONFIGURATION.



Prints a summary of program command line options.


Show all available remote program versions.\ Default: show only latest version

-f|--file NAME

Only update file NAME.\ Default: not set


Run the program in graphical mode.\ Default: not set


When using command line version, install latest version of program\ Default: only show latest remote version


Only show the currently installed version of the program.\ Default: show local version and latest remote version


Run the program in test mode, don\'t actually overwrite files.\ Default: not set

-o|--out NAME

Use NAME as output file after transfer. This option does not make sense when transferring multiple files, since it will always use the same NAME for all output files.\ Default: not set

-p|--prg PRG

PRG of the program package to update, e.g. \"eldix\". The eldixmgr can be called by a variety of compatible programs to auto-updateR themselves.\ Default: not set


The remote distribution directory is password protected. Users eldico and mar may access the directory without password.\ Default: empty (taken from CONFIGURATION file)

-u|--url NAME

Base URL of program distributions.\ Default: taken from CONFIGURATION file or

-U|--user USER

The remote distribution directory is password protected. Users eldico and mar may access the directory without password.\ Default: \'eldico\' for ELDICO software, \'mar\' for MAR software


Increases verbosity level for more program output.


Only show program version and exit.\ Default: don\'t


The first non-keyworded argument will be treated as name of the program package (see option --prg). All remaining arguments will be the names of individual files that should be downloaded/updatead. If no PRG name is given at all, the command line version will list all remotely available programs and their versions. The GUI version will give you a choice of programs that are available for update.


To run the program in graphical mode, start it with option \"--gui\". The GUI window shows the installed and available version of the requested program package. If you choose a newer version of the program than is currently installed, the action button will be drawn in green. When choosing an older version, the button will be red. When reinstalling the same version, the button will be drawn in grey.


The program can be configured with one or more configuration files that will be read at program startup. The configuration file follows the convention of Windows \"ini\" files with section names given in [brackets] and keywords and their values separated by the \"equal\" sign (=). All lines starting with # are ignored.

The program reads configuration files from the following locations in the given order (in parenthesis: Windows)

  • current_working_directory/eldixmgr.cfg (eldixmgr.ini)

  • \$HOME/.eldixmgr.cfg (%HOME%\eldixmgr.ini)

  • \$HOME/.local/share/ELDICO/eldixmgr.cfg (%APPDATA%\ELDICO\eldixmgr.ini)

  • /usr/local/ELDICO/eldixmgr.cfg (%PROGRAMDATA%\ELDICO\eldixmgr.ini)

Entries given in the next available file will override all previous entries. This allows for mixing entries that can be changed by the user with entries set by a system administrator.

The configuration file uses [global] as only section name. You may provide the following keywords:


SCRIPT_NAME is a customizable name of a script that actually runs the installation and deinstallation of a given program. The script whlinstall is part of the program distribution. The script currently implements package handling using the \"pip\" program manager. If for some reason this script is not doing the right thing, it is possible to use some other program. In order to run it, the given script name must be executable and in the executable PATH.\ Default: whlinstall

sudo=True or False

When running pip via whlinstall the most typical thing would be to run the installer / deinstaller without super-user privileges. If for some reason, the script should be run as super-user, set \"sudo=True\"\ Default: False


URL is a full http site instructions. like Please note, that the URL may be password protected. In that case, you can only connect to that URL if you also provide a username and password.\ Default: none


Username for password protected site.\ Default: eldico


Real password to connect to a password protected site.\ Default: Built-in for eldico



Claudio Klein, Marxperts GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany


© Copyright 2023 Marxperts GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany



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