Table of Contents
imgcvt - image format conversion for Dectris CBF images and mar images
into HDF5, TIFF, raw integer, Bruker sfrm, mrcfile, png
[ -h (--help) ] [ -a (--add) N ] [ -c (--cfg) configuration file ] [ --colors MINCOLOR
MAXCOLOR ] [ -C (--compressor) COMPRESSOR ] [ --data ] [ -o (--dir) OUTDIR ] [
-D (--deb=DEBUG) ] [ -g (--gui) ] [ --gz (--gzip) ] [ -i (--infile) file ] [ --blz4 ]
[ --lzf ] [ --cbf ] [ --h5 ] [ --int16 ] [ --int32 ] [ --mrc ] [ --mrc1 ] [ --png ] [ --sfrm
] [ --tiff16 ] [ --tiff32 ] [ -S (--subdir) ] [ -f (--ffrm) FFRM ] [ -l (--lfrm) LFRM
] [ -k (--kfrm) KFRM ] [ -n (--nfrm) NFRM ] [ -F (--ff) ] [ -m (--master) ] [ -M (--pm)
] [ --mask FILE ] [ --raw [WxH][xBPP][+offset] ] [ -T (--tool) NAME ] [ -v (--verbose)
] [ -V (--VERSION) ] [ filename ]
imgcvt is a console program
with optional graphical user interface for converting X-ray diffraction
images into other formats (tiff, sfrm, hdf5, mar345, marccd, raw integer,
mrc). Other than most other diffraction images, HDF5 files often consist
of one or more data files that may contain a large number of actual diffraction
images and a "master" file that carries information common to all data,
typically the goniometer data and other parameters that describe the experiment.
Also the mrc format common in electron microscopy as well as the tiff files
may contain multiple images in one file. The program imgcvt currently supports
the following input formats:
- cbf (all sorts)
- sfrm
- tiff32 (32 bit data)
- tiff16 (16 bit data)
- mar345
- mar300
- marccd
- int16
- int32
- h5
- -a (--add) N
- Add N images up before writing into an output file.
- -c
(--cfg) FILE
- FILE is a configuration file for specifying header information
for output files, in particular for use with h5 and cbf files. See section
- --colors MIN MAX
- PNG output only: when converting
diffraction data into graphics formats, pixel values will be assigned to
a color (grays). All pixels <= MIN will be painted in white, all pixels >=
MAX will be painted black and 255 grays will be distributed inbetween MIN
and MAX. By default, the program obtains suitable thresholds from a histogram,
so there should normally not be a need to specify the color thresholds
- -C (--compressor) COMPRESSOR
- HDF5 output only: COMPRESSOR can
be one of "blz4" (default), "lzf", "gzip" or "None". Data conversion without
compression is much faster but the resulting hdf5-files will be about 50-90%
larger than with "blz4" compression.
- -D--deb=DEBUG
- Hexadecimal debug code
- --data
- HDF5 output only: create data files, mo master file. By default, the program
produces both data and master files.
- -F (--ff)
- HDF5 input only: when given,
a flatfield mask will be extracted from the input master file - if it exists
- and written out as TIFF file. The name of the output file will be {rootname}_flatfield.bin
- -g, (--gui)
- Start the program with a graphical user interface. The GUI allows
for loading images and also modifying header values. If no input file is
given, the program automatically start in GUI mode.
- --gz --gzip
- HDF5 output
only: use gzip compression instead of blz4.
- -i (--infile) FILE
- Optional input
file parameter. The input file should have the general form prefix_###.suffix,
where ### (or more #) is a running image number. You may either use the
hashtag character or an actual numeric value. Either way, the program converts
the string into a template.
- -h (--help)
- Prints a summary of program command
line options.
- --cbf
- Use cbf as output format.
- --int16
- Use 16-bit integers as output
format without header.
- --int32
- Use 32-bit integers as output format without
- --mrc
- Write all data of the series into a single file in MRC format.
Data are stored as 16-bit unsigned integers with all values exceeding 16-bits
set to 0.
- --mrc1
- For each input file, write a separate file in MRC format,
i.e. the output images only contain data from a single image.
- --png
- Convert
diffraction images into PNG graphics formats. Please note, that graphics
formats cannot be converted back into diffraction data without significant
loss of information.
- --sfrm
- Use Bruker sfrm as output format for use with
- --tiff16
- Use 16-bit TIFF as output format.
- --tiff32
- Use 32-bit TIFF as output
- -T (--tool) NAME
- Use tool NAME in computations
- -f (--ffrm) FFRM
- Starting
frame of series.
- -l (--lfrm) LFRM
- Ending frame of series.
- -k (--kfrm) KFRM
- When
creating output images, start numbering with KFRM. By default, the numbers
of input files will be used.
- -n (--nfrm) NFRM
- HDF5 output only: put up to NFRM
images into each hdf5 data file.
- -m (--master)
- HDF5 output only: when given,
no data files will be produced but only a master file.
- -M (--pm)
- HDF5 input
only: when given, a bad pixel mask will be extracted from the input master
file - if it exists - and written out as TIFF file. The name of the output
file will be {rootname}_mask.tif
- --mask
- HDF5 output only: when given, no
data files will be produced but only a master file.
- -o (--dir) OUTDIR
- The
o/p=files will be written to OUTDIR when given. Otherwise, depending on
the chosen output format a subdirectory "tiff16", "tiff32", "sfrm", "int16",
"int32" or "h5" will be used. If the subdirectory does not exist, it will
be created.
- --raw=WxH[xBPP][+OFFSET]
- When processing raw images, the program
needs to know the pixels in x (W) and y (H) and the bytes per pixel (BPP,
defaults to 4). If the images have headers with a fixed length, you need
to provide the corresponding number of bytes as OFFSET.
- -S (--subdir)
- If
specified, output files will be written in a subdirectory of the directory
where the input file comes from. The name of the subdirectory depends on
the output format. E.g.: if "sfrm" is the output format, a subdirectory sfrm
will be created.
- -T (--tool) NAME
- The program can also be used for special
purposes by calling tools. Currently, the following tools are implemented:
- mask - Creates a bad pixelmask. This expects a h5 master file as input and
a couple of tens to hundreds of empty image data. The tools writes a bad
pixel mask into a tif file called {rootname}_mask.tif that contains bad
pixels marked with value 16, good pixels are 0.
- direct[:N] - Computes the
direct beam coordinagtes from a series of images. The optional parameter
N specifies the search radius around the center coordinates as given in
the input file. Default for N is 8 pixels. See section DIRECT BEAM for more
- bkg - Computes a background table from a series of images. When working
with single crystal diffraction images This works better the more images
are contained within the series in order to remove diffraction spots. The
resulting background table is written out in TIFF format.
- peaks - Extract
diffraction spots from an image or a series of images. The diffraction
spots are written out as ASCII file into a file with extension .pks that
can be read by marIndex or other crystal indexing programs. It contains
spot coordinates, spot size, I/Sigma and number of pixels contributing
to the spot.
- -v (--verbose)
- Increases verbosity level for more program output.
- -V (--VERSION)
- Only show program version and exit.
- filename
- Any argument not
given with any of the keywords above will be treated as input file argument.
The graphical user interface should be self-explaining. Afer loading
an initial image, the header information is extracted and entered into
the corresponding fields. If you edit any of the header fields, modified
values will change the color. The values given here will end up in the HDF5-headers
unless they are overwritten by program initialization file (see below).
Please note, that the distance shown in the header file is given in mm
for sake of clarity. In the HDF5, the distance usually is given in meters.
The conversion will be done automatically.
The ELDICO electron
diffractometer does not have a beam stop, so the direct beam is visible
in diffraction images unless the beam hits solid parts of the sample holder.
The direct beam is the most accurate value for the origin of diffraction,
a parameter that is very important to be accurate in most data processing
programs. It is especially important to rely on it because in small molecule
sample there may not be sufficient reflections to refine the center coordinates
from. When using tool "direct", the conversion program takes the center
coordinates of the input file and looks in a radius of N pixels (N=8 by
default) for pixel values > 10000. For all selected pixels in a rectangular
area of NxN pixels around that given center, a center of gravity is computed.
When processing a series of images, in a first round only the average center
of all input images is computed and then applied to the converted images
in a second round. The search radius N can be modified by adding argument
:N to "direct" like in "direct:10".
The program automatically
determines wether a selected file is an implemented image format and loads
the file accordingly. The following image formats are implemented:
- cbf:
- Images in "CBF" format or miniCBF format (DECTRIS).
- mar345:
- Images in mar345
format. Usual extensions: .marXXXX where XXXX is 1200, 1600, 1800, 2000,
2300, 2400, 2560, 1536, 3000, 3072 or 3450
- marCCD:
- Images in marCCD format.
No standard extension
- h5:
- hdf5 files as produced by Dectris detectors (master
and data files)
- sfrm:
- Bruker sfrm formatted images
- tiff:
- TIFF files (8,
16, 32-bit integers, also floats)
- mrc:
- MRC files with one or more images.
When using HDF5 output, the program produces both master and
data files by default. The master file has no actual image data but only
information describing the experiment. The data files can be a single file
containing thousands of diffraction images. If you like, you may also produce
an data file for each single input file, which is less efficient. This
can be done by providing the input option "-nfrm" on the command line or
by setting the value for "# images/h5" in the GUI. By default, all images
found in a directory will go into one data file.
TIFF output comes in 2
- 16-bit data (tiff16)
- 32-bit data (tiff32)
When using tiff16,
input data are truncated to 16-bits (65535). The file contains a plain array
of x*y 16 bit data. When using tiff32, x*y 32-bit values are written into
the file.
When using raw image output, a plain array of x*y 16-bit (int16)
or 32-bit (int32) data is generated. The output file comes without header.
When using sfrm output (default), images are written in Bruker 100 format.
When using mrc, input data are truncated to 16-bits (65535). The file contains
a plain array of x*y 16 bit data. One mrc file may contain multiple images.
A mrc-file containing multiple images can be used as input file. It will
produce as many output files as there are entries in the file.
When using
png, input data are converted into 255 grayscales. The program tries to
distribute the colors based on a pixel intensity histogram. With option
--colors it is possible, however, to assign specific values to the color
The program reads a Windows type configuration
file from the following locations (in the order of precedence):
- ./imgcvt.cfg
- $HOME/.imgcvt.cfg
- $HOME/.mar.cfg
- /usr/local/mar/imgcvt.cfg
Following the convention
of .ini-files on Windows, the program reads configuration values from the
section starting with line:
All further entries given here will
go into the output master file and values read from input image headers
or those given in the GUI will be ignored! Therefore, you should only provide
parameters in the configuration file that you would consider to be static.
While you are allowed to give goniometer parameters like "phi", it is not
recommended to do that here. Please see the section COMPLETE EXAMPLE, but
refrain from using the goniometer parameters.
Claudio Klein, Marxperts GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany
© Copyright 2022-24 Marxperts GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany
Marxperts GmbH | Phone: +49 - (40) - 529 884-0 |
Werkstr. 3 | FAX: +49 - (40) - 529 884-20 |
Norderstedt - GERMANY | |
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Table of Contents