
eldixmgr is a package manager for the ELDICO Electron Diffraction System. It comes with a command line interface as well as a built-in GUI. It allows for upgrading or downgrading programs comprised within the suite of programs provided by ELDICO to run and support the ELDICO Electron Diffraction System.


python3-tk must be installed. The program also makes use of:

  • tk
  • PIL (python imaging library)
  • pycurl

The Windows version also depends on: * pywin32 * certifi

Ubuntu and Debian Like linux distributions:#

To use eldix on Ubuntu or Debian Linux the needed python modules can be installed either through the Synaptic Package Manager (found in System -> Administration) or using apt-get on from the command line in a terminal. The extra packages needed are:

  • python3-tk
  • python3-pil
  • python3-pycurl

The can be install using 'apt' or 'apt-get' like:

sudo apt install python3-tk python3-pil python3-pycurl